CHAP. 54.
Passed Jan.30, 1832
An ad to alter and change the place of holding the election in
the second election district of Anne Arundel county.
Place altered to
lice school
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the place of holding elections in the second
election district of Anne Arundel county, be, and the same
is hereby changed, from the place now provided by law for
holding said election, to the place called and known as the
Free school, in said district.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all laws or parts of laws,
inconsistent with, or repugnant to this act, be, and the same
are hereby repealed.
Passed Jan. 31,1832
An act for the benefit of James Ilendrixson, Sen., of Alle--
gany county.
WHEREAS, James Hendrixson, sen., Crier of Allegany
county court, sets forth, by his petition, that, at a special
term of said court, in August, eighteen hundred and twenty
nine, for the trial of George Swearingen for the murder of
his wife; and the said term continued for twenty one days,
for which term, as crier, he has only been allowed twelve
dollars, and prays the commissioners of said county may be
authorised to allow the further sum of eighteen dollars —
Levy authorised
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of Allegany county, be, and they are
hereby authorised and required to assess and levy upon the
assessable property of said county, the sum of eighteen dol-
lars, as a fuither compensation to James Hendrixson, sen.,
Compensation as
for extra services performed as crier of said court in the
trial of George Swearingen, who was executed in said coun-
ty, in October, eighteen hundred and twenty nine.
Passed Jan. 30, 1832
An act to Incorporate the Frederick and Woodsborough,
Turnpike Road Company.
That a company
be incorporated.
Sec. I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a company be incorporated to make a turnpike