road from the city of Frederick, in Frederick county to
the bridge over the river Monococy, on the Liberty road,
contracted to be built under an authority given to the levy
court of Frederick county, by an act of Assembly at its
session of eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and thence
by Walkersville to the northern extremity of Woodsbo-
rough, in said county.
CHAP. 54.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That subscription books shall
be opened in the city of Frederick for a capital stock of
thirty-five thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars,
each, under the direction of Richard Potts, John Derr,
William Tyler, John Graham, William R. Sanderson, Cor-
nelius Shriver and John Stoner, or any three of them, and
at Woodsborough under tho direction of David Kemp,
Thomas Simm,Brooke Baker, Robert Fulton, David Wag-
ner, Thomas W. Johnson and Charles Baltzell, or any three
of them, who are hereby appointed commissioners for the
Subsription books
to be opened for
$35,000, stock in
shares of $20, un-
der commissioners
at Frederick and
at Woodsborough
purpose aforesaid, who after at least twenty days notice by
publication in the several newspapers of Frederick city, of
the times and place of opening said subscription books, at
which times and places, at least three of the said commis-
sioners shall attend, and shall permit all persons and corpo-
rations who shall offer to subscribe in person, or by attor-
ney for stock in the said books, which shall be kept open
for that purpose at least four hours every day, for three
successive days if necessary, and if the whole of the said
Notice be given,
capital stock be not then subscribed for, the said commis-
sioners may re-open said books at such time and place as
they may think fit, under the direction of the said commis-
sioners, or any three of them, for further subscription from
time to time, until the whole of the said stock may be sub-
scribed for, provided always, that there shall be paid to
the attending commissioneis, one dollar on each share of
stock, at the time of subscription, out of which shall be
defrayed the expenses attending the taking said subscrip-
Books may be re-
tion, and the remainder shall be deposited in one of the
Banks of Frederick, for the use of the company aforesaid,
as soon as the same shall be organized and the officers
chosen, as hereinafter directed.
One dollar to be
paid at subscrip-
tion, the balance
in some of Fred,
enck Banks.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That when one half or more
of the shares of the said stock shall have been subscribed,
the said commissioners or a majority of them, who opened
said subscription books in the city of Frederick, shall give
thirty days notice in the papers aforesaid, of the time and
place by them appointed for the subscribers to meet, in or-
der to organize said company, and to choose by a majority
of votes of the said subscribers, by ballot to be delivered
Notice to be given
and company to
be organized.