CHAP. 908.
An act supplementary to an act, entitled, An act to authorise
Passed.Mar. 14, 1832
the leasing of a Lot, in the City of Baltimore, belonging
to the heirs of Kennedy Owen, passed at December Session
eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter twenty-four.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
Lone authorized.
ryland, That Hugh Boyle, of the city of Baltimore, be, and
he is hereby authorised to demise and lease, for any term of
years, with the privilege of renewing the same forever, at
the expiration of such term, to any person or persons, all
the interest and estate of the infant heirs of the late Kennedy
Owen, in and to a certain lot of ground, situate within the
city of Baltimore, and contained within the metes and bounds,
courses and distances following — that is to say: beginning for
Lot defined.
the same at the corner formed by the intersection of the
north side of Pleasant street, and the east side of Charles
street, and running thence northerly, binding on Charles
street twenty-five feet three inches, thence easterly, paral-
lel with Pleasant street one hundred and thirty -eight feet six
inches, to a twenty feet Alley, thence southerly, binding on
said Alley twenty-five feet three inches, to Pleasant street
aforesaid, and thence westwardly, bounding thereon one
hundred and thirty-eight feet six inches, to the beginning;
(being the same lot mentioned in a deed from a certain
George Peters to the said Kennedy Owen, bearing date the
twenty fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and fifteen;)
Provided nevertheless, That the said Hugh Boyle, before he
Bond defined.
executes a lease, in pursuance of the power hereby granted,
shall, as regards the property herein described, give a sim-
ilar bond to that required in the act to which this is a sup-
plement, in relation to the property therein mentioned; And
Provided also, That the lease or leases for the above des-
cribed property, shall contain stipulations and reservations
on behalf of the said infant heirs and their interests, alike
with those demanded and required by the aforesaid original
act, as respects the property in it mentioned.
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That the said Boyle may de-
Separate or togeth-
mise said lot of ground in manner aforesaid, separately from,
or in one entire body with, any adjoining ground of said
heirs, subject to the provisions and conditions in the afore-
going section contained.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the demises by this act
authorised, may, at discretion of said Boyle, contain a con-
May condition for
dition securing to the lessee or lessees, their heirs and as-