CHAP. 307.
be lawful for said bank to issue notes of a less denomina-
tion than five dollars.
Annual statement
20th. The treasurer of the Western Shore, for the time
to be made to the
Treasurer W. S.
being, shall be furnished once every year, or oftener, if re-
quired, with a statement of the amount of the capital stock
of the said corporation, and of the debts due to and from
the same, of the amount of monies deposited therein, of
the notes in circulation, of the cash in hand, and of the
Inspection of pri-
profits made, and shall have a right to inspect such general
vate acts
accounts in the books of the bank as shall relate to the said
statements; but nothing herein contained .shall be construed
to imply a right of inspecting the account of any private
individual with the bank, nor shall such general statement
and power of inspection be used for any other purpose but
to enable him to form a just opinion of the state of the in-
stitution, relative to the public safety, and of the profits
thereof, over which he is hereby appointed guardian, as far
as the same relates to the state.
School tax.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the said bank shall pay
to the treasurer of the Western Shore, the sum of twenty
cents upon the amount of every one hundred dollars sub-
scribed and actually paid in, for each and every year after
the first of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, during
the continuance of the charter of said bank, under this law,
which sum shall be, and hereby is pledged by the state, as
a fund for the support of free schools, to be equally divid-
ed amongst the several counties of this state, and paid over
in equal proportions to such persons in each county as the
legislature may hereafter appoint.
Limit of this act.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue in
force until the year eighteen hundred and forty five, and
to the end of the next session oi the general assembly
Shall not purchase
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That it shall not he lawful for
up shares.
the corporation aforesaid to receive or accept of any of its
own shares of stock in payment of any debts, and if any
share or shares are so accepted, then and in such case, the
charter hereby granted shall immediately thereupon be for-
feited, and each director consenting to such acceptance shall
forfeit, for each share he consented to accept, the sum of
fifty dollars, the one half to the informer, the other half to
the state, to be recovered on indictment and conviction of
the party accused in the county court of the county where-
in the banking house of said institution is situated.