cessors, or to and on the company which is, or shall be
created by or in pursuance of this act, so far as the same
may, or shall be deemed or found applicable thereto.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the directors of the Sam's
Creek Rail Rold company, hereby incorporated, or a ma-
Bargain authorised
jority of them, shall be, and they are hereby authorised
to contract, on such terms as they may deem advisable,
with the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road company, for the
use of their road, in connection with their own road, or for
constructing the rail road authorised by this act as a lateral
road, of and in connection with the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road; and in the event of the contract last mentioned
being made, the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road company
shall have, and may exercise the same powers, rights and
privileges, in the location, construction and use of the said
Sam's Creek Rail Road, as a lateral road, as they have and
may exercise in the construction and use of the Baltimore
and Ohio Kail Road; and the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road company shall be, and they are hereby authorised,
to subscribe for any and such part of the capital stock of
the company hereby incorporated) as they shall deem ad-
An act for opening and increasing the width of German
Passed Mar. 13, 1832
Lane, in the city of Baltimore.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma
Corporation au-
thorised to pass
ryland, That the mayor and city council of Baltimore, be
ordinances for o-
and they are hereby authorised, to provide by ordinance or
ordinances, to be passed by them, for increasing the widt
of German Lane, in the city of Baltimore, or any part of
it, from time to time, commencing at Sharp street, and ex-
tending the same eastwardly, in such manner and directior
to such extent, of such width, and upon such terms, con-
sistent with the provisions of this act, as they may deem
most advisable; Provided always, That before any property
of any person or corporation, shall be destroyed, injured
removed, taken or used, for the purpose of extending the
said lane or increasing the width of any part of it, the as-
sent oi the owner shall first be obtained, or provision made
for paying, or securing to be paid to such owner, a just
compensation for the destruction, injury, removal or use
his or her property.