CHAP. 300.
be, and they are hereby declared to be, a body corporate
Company incorpo-
by the name of the Sam's Creek Rail Road company, and
as such, by that name shall be capable in law of purchas-
ing, holding, selling and conveying estates, real, personal
Powers and privi-
and mixed, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes in
leges granted.
this act mentioned, and shall have perpetual succession,
and by said corporate name, may sue and be sued, and have
and use a common seal, which they may alter and renew at
their pleasure, and shall have and may use, enjoy and exer-
cise, all and singular the powers, rights, privileges, anthor-
ities, immunities and advantages, for the surveying, locating
and constructing a Rail-road, which shall be commenced
Road defined.
at the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, near the mouth of
Gillis' Falls, or other eligible place, and run thence so as to
reach the valley of Sam's creek, or Pipe creek, at or near
the junction of Sam's creek therewith, and thence to, and
up the valley of Monococy river, or of some of its tribu-
tary streams, to the Pennsylvania line; and for the using,
preserving and controlling, the said Rail-road, its necessa-
ry vehicles, works or buildings, and every part thereof; and
for the election of its president and directors, and control-
ling the Rail-road, which they are hereby authorised to
Transfer of shares.
construct, to prescribe the mode of transferring shares of
Pernsonal estate.
its capital stock, which are hereby made and declared to
Collect tolls.
be personal estate, and the charging and collecting tolls on
transportation, the procuring and employing vehicles, and
necessary moving power for transporting persons and pro-
perty, the declaring and paying dividends, increasing the
capital stock, or borrowing money on the credit of the
Employing officer
company for its lawful purposes; employing officers, agents,
Passng by-laws.
engineers, artificers, workmen or servants; passing by-laws,
and holding annual and special meetings; and generally, for
General powers.
the beneficial management of the lawful business and affairs
of said corporation; which by the act to incorporate the
Baltimore and Port Deposit Rail Road company, are given,
granted, permitted, authorised or secured, to said company,
for the purposes and objects thereof, and benefit of its cor-
poration, or to the president and directors thereof; or which
by the said act, were intended to be, or which by the act
incorporating the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-road company,
were for the lawful purposes of said company, and benefit
of its corporators given, granted, authorised and secured,
to the company last aforesaid, or its corporators, collective-
ly or severally, as fully and perfectly, as if the same were
herein repeated, and expressly given, granted, permitted,
authorised and secured to, and conferred on the persons
who shall subscribe as aforesaid, their associates and suc-