CHAP. 43.
Passed Jan. 31, 1832
An ad for the relief of David Bostetter, of Washington
Allowed insolvent
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the orphans' court Washington county, be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to grant to David Bos-
tetter, of Washington county, the benefit of the several acts
of assembly, passed for the relief of insolvent debtors;
Provided, the said David Bostetter, shall, in all respects,
(except that of proving residence) comply with the re-
quisitions of said acts of assembly, and that he satisfy the
said orphans' court, that be did not come into this state with
the view of obtaining the benefit of the said insolvent laws.
Passed Jan. 30, 1832
An act appointing Commissioners to fix on a site for building a
Bridge over Deer creek, in Harford county, at Deth's Ford, or
Wilson's Mill, or at some site between said places, and to
authorise a levy not exceeding one thousand dollars, for
the purpose of erecting the same.
Commissioners ap-
pointed to fix on
site and report.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Henry Webster, William Whiteford and Wil-
liam Williams, be and they are hereby appointed and con-
stituted commissioners for the purpose of fixing on a site
for a bridge over Deer creek, in Harford county, at or near
Deth's Ford or William Wilson's mill, or at some site be-
tween said places, and after they shall have selected a site,
that they be and they are hereby required to report the
same to the commissioners of Harford county.
County commis-
ionners give notice
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of Har-
ford county, may and they are hereby empowered as soon
as they shall have received said report, designating a site
for said bridge, to give notice for three successive weeks
in the newspapers published in said county, of the day on
which they will receive proposals for the erection thereof,
To contract, &c.
and to contract with the lowest bidder, if he shall give bond
and security for the constructing of said bridge of good
materials, in a substantial manner, and to be well roofed and of
a width to admit the passage of a wagon, and for a sum not
exceeding one thousand dollars, and which said sum of one
thousand dollars, the said commissioners may, and are here-