deed from William Trager and wife, Charles Herring and
wife, and William Lester and wife, to Alee Lester, a deed
from William Trager and wife, Charles Herring and wife,
Alee Lester and William Lester and wife, to William Les-
ter, one other deed from William Trager and wife, Alee
Lester and William Lester and wife, to Charles Herring
and wife, the aforegoing deeds dated the eighteenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and twenty-four, for a track of land called. Spring
Garden, situate, lying and being in Harford county, contain-
ing one hundred and forty seven acres; one other tract call-
ed the Garden of Eden, situate, lying and being in the coun-
ty aforesaid, containing one hundred and forty-seven acres
and one quarter, and that the same, when recorded, shall
be as good and sufficient in law to convey the fee simple
estate therein mentioned, as if the same had been recorded
CHAP. 47.
within six months from the date thereof; Provided, that such
deeds shall not affect in any manner the title of any pur-
chaser, in case of a purchase made after the date of each
respective deed, and prior to the recording thereof, without
notice of such deed by the person making such after pur-
An act for the benefit of the Sheriff of Washington county.
Passed Jan. 26,1832
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly, by the petition of Christian Newcomer, sheriff of
Washington county, and others, that the sum now allowed
by law to the sheriff for the keeping of prisoners commit-
ted to the jail of said county, is insufficient to furnish such
persons with such provisions and other necessaries as human-
ity requires that they should be provided with — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in lieu of the sum now allowed by law to the sheriff of
Washington county, for keeping prisoners in the jail of said
county, he shall be entitled to receive the sum of twenty
five cents per day, for each and every prisoner which may
be confined therein.
Allowed 25 cents
per day.