CHAP. 300.
An act to Incorporate the Sam's Creek Rail Road Company.
Passed Mar,14,1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Commissioners to
land, That James Hood, of John, James Sykes, Portius
Gillis, Evan L. Crawford, William Shipley, of Robert,
open books.
Jacob Lands, Alexander Warfield, John-Duddem, Wil-
liam Gaither, John Clemson. jr. Evan M'Kinsttey, William
Shepherd, John Kinzer, John Switzer, form Clalaugh,
Henry Waesbe, Abraham Null, Francis Spalding, John
Stoner, jr. and David W. Naill, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners with power to them, or any five of
them to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of the
Receive subscrip-
Sam's Creek Rail Road company, hereby incorporated,
which subscription shall be made in shares of one hundred
Sham $100 each.
dollars each, and one dollar per share to be paid thereon to
Payment required.
said commissioners, at the time of making said subscrip-
tions, and the said subscriptions shall be received, subject
to such other rules, limitations and terms, as shall be pre-
scribed by a majority of the said commissioners, or any
five of them who shall consent to act; and when so much of.
the capital stock of said company shall have been subscri-
bed, as the majority of the commissioners who shall receive
the said subscriptions may deem necessary and sufficient,
to construct the Rail road, which the said company are by
this act authorised to construct, the commissioners who re-
ceived said subscriptions or a majority of them shall call a
general meeting of the subscribers to the capital stock
Call general meet-
aforesaid, for the purpose of electing thirteen of said sub-
Elect directors
scribers, to manage the affairs, and be the first directors of
said company, which meeting and election shall be held at
such time and place as the commissioners last aforesaid, or
a majority of them, shall designate in and by a notice,which
Notice required
they shall cause to be inser ed, at least ten days previous
thereto, in three newspapers, published daily, in the city of
Baltimore, and two newspaf ers, published in the city of Fre-
derick; and the commissioners who may give said notice,
shall hold and be judges of said election, in which as in
Judge of election
all other elections, or meetings of said company, each share
shall entitle the owner thereof to one vote; and the judges
Votes regulated.
of said first election shall certify the names of the persons,
who shall be duly elected directors, and deliver over the
Pay over.
subscription book, or list of subscribers, with the funds re-
ceived by them from the subscribers aforesaid, to the said
directors, and the persons who shall subscribe for the cap-
ital stock aforesaid, their associates and successors shall,