CHAP, 8197.
pany hereafter to be incorporated under the authority of
this state, to connect with the road hereby provided, any
other rail road leading from the main route, to any part or
parts of this state; Provided, That in forming such connec-
tion, no injury shall be be done to the works of the com-
pany hereby incorporated.
Right to alter rate
Sec. 24. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
of tolls.
tained shall be construed so as to prevent the legislature of
this state from legislating upon the subject of the tolls re-
served in this act, at any time after the expiration of twenty
years from the passage of this act: Provided, That at no
time shall the toll be so regulated or reduced as to yield less
than six per cent per annum.
Time limited fur
Sec. 25. And be it enacted, That unless said rail road is
commencing and
commenced within four years from the passage of this act,
and finished within six years thereafter, this act and all the
rights and privileges which it confers on said company,
shall cease and be utterly void.
Passed Mar.12,1812
An act further to amend the act, Incorporating the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal Company.
Penalty for injur-
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ng canal or woiks
land, That if any person or persons, shall wilfully, by any
means whatever, injure, impair, or destroy any part of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, or any part of its feeders,
dams, locks, aqueducts, culverts, walls, embankments,
bridges, buildings, or other works now constructed, or
which may hereafter be constructed by the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal Company, under the several acts incorporating
the said canal company, or amendatory thereof, or supple-
mentary thereto, such person or persons so offending, shall
each of them, for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the
said canal company, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, re-
coverable by action of debt, before any justice of the peace,
in and for the county wherein the offence shall be commit-
ted, reserving to the parties the right to appeal from the de-
cision of the said justice of the peace, to the county court,
in the county in which judgment may be had; or, every
such offender shall be subject to indictment in the court for
the county in which the offence shall be committed, and
upon conviction of such offence, shall be punished by fine
or imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of the court.