Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the president and direc-
CHAP. 297,
tors of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal compauy, or a ma-
Authority to make
jority of them, acting in behalf of the said company, shall
be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered from
time to time, to pass all by-laws which may be necessary
for the exercise of the powers vested in said company by
the several acts incorporating the same, or amendatory
thereof, or supplementary thereto; Provided always, That
such by-laws shall not be contrary to the laws of this
state, of the United States, or of the states in which they
operate; and that the said company shall not be authorised by
Right reserved.
any such by-laws or regulations, to prevent the proprietor or
proprietors of any lands through which the said canal, dams,
basins, feeders, or other appertenant works may be con-
structed, from joining or connecting with the said work,
any fence or wall which shall not be found to injure the
works aforesaid, nor to prohibit the aforesaid proprietor or
proprietors, from having access to the said canal and its ap-
pertenant works, at the most convenient places, and from
crossing and recrossing the same at their discretion, and in
any of the modes hitherto agreed upon by the said compa-
ny; Provided, in so doing they do not impede the naviga-
tion, or injure the said works; and, if any person or persons
shall wilfully offend against any such by-law, after a copy
thereof shall have been set up for public inspection, at each
of the toll houses on said canal, such person or persons so
offending, shall each of them, for every such offence, for-
feit and pay to the said company, the sum of five dollars,
Penalty for violat-
to be recovered in the name of said company, before any
ing by laws.
justice of the peace, for the county wherein the offence
may be committed.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said president and di-
Authority to pre-
scribe dimensions
rectors, or a majority of them, acting in behalf of the
and equipments of
Chesepeake and Ohio Canal company, may prescribe the
of boats &c.
form, dimensions and equipment of the boats and floats to
be used upon the canal, with a view to prevent accidental
injury to them, or to the works of the canal, in passing
each other, or in passing by or through any of those works;
and if the owner, captain or other person, having charge of
any boat or float, shall negligently violate, or refuse to com-
ply with any such regulation, the president and directors
Case of violating
by laws.
may require the owner, captain or other person having
charge thereof, to withdraw his said boat or float from the
Boat to be with-
canal, by some one of the outlets thereof, or, in the event of
his failure to do so on reasonable notice, may order the
same to be broken up and removed from the canal, or any
Or may be broke
of its basins, ponds, feeders or other works; and in like