sonal estate, and shall be exempt from the imposition of any
CHAP. 296.
tax or burthen by the state's assenting to this law, except
Personal estate
upon that portion of the permanent and fixed works of said
Exempt from tax,
company, which may lie within the state of Maryland; and
that any tax which shall hereafter be levied upon saijd sec-
tion shall not exceed the rate of any general tax, which may
at the same time be imposed upon similar real or personal
property of this state for state purposes.
Sec. 20, And be it enacted. That the said president and
directors shall, annually or semi-annually, declare and make
such dividend as they may deem proper, of the nett profits
arising from the resources of the said company, after de-
ducting the necessary current and probable contingent ex-
penses; and that they shall divide che same amongst the
stockholders of said company, in proper proportions to
their respective shares.
Sec. 21. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
Penalty for injur-
shall wilfully, by any means whatsoever, injure, impair or
ing road, &c.
destroy any part of any rail road constructed by said com-
pany under this act, or any of their necessary works,
buildings, carriages, vehicles or machinery of said com-
pany, such person or persons so offending, shall, each of
them, for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the said
company, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars, which
may be recovered in the name of the said company, by an
action of debt in the county court of the county wherein
the offence shall be committed, and shall also be subject to
indictment in said court, and upon conviction of such of-
fence, shall be punished by fine and imprisonment in the
discretion of the court.
Sec. 22. And be it enacted, That as soon as this act shall
Operation of this
have been passed by the legislature of Maryland, books
may be opened, subscriptions received and the said compa-
ny organised; and that n hen organised, the said company,
and the president and directors of the same, shall have all
the powers, rights and privileges granted by this act, and
shall be subject to all its regulations, in construction or re-
pairing any of the said rail roads, or other necessary works
or buildings which can or may be constructed within the
limits of the state of Maryland, and in transporting persons,
goods, merchandise, or property of any description, along
any of said roads, and that the provisions of this act shall
be wholly in force as to all the property of the company,
which may be situated, or may be within the state of Ma-
ryland, and which said company is permitted to hold under
this act.
Sec. 23. And be it enacted, That full right and privilege
Right to connee
is hereby reserved to the citizens of this state, or any com-