CHAP. 296
pany hereby incorporated, and every such other corpora-
tion and persons incorporated by, or acting under any law
of this state, is, and are hereby authorised to make such
agreement, contract or transfer by and through the agency
of the person authorised by their respective acts of incor-
poration, to exercise their corporate powers, or by such
persons as by any law of this state, are intrusted with the
direction and management of such turnpike road or bridge,
or of any of the rights or privileges aforesaid, and e\ery
contract, agreement or transfer made in pursuance of the
power and authority hereby granted, when executed by the
several parties under their respective corporate seals or
otherwise legally authenticated, shall vest in the company
hereby incorporated all such road, part of a road, rights
and privileges, and the right to use and enjoy the same as
fully, to all intents and purposes, as they now art or might
be used and exercised by the said corporation, or persons
in whom the same are now invested.
Authority to pur-
Sec. 19. And be it enacted. That the said president and
chases cars, &c.
directors shall have power to purchase with the funds of
said company, and place on any rail road constructed by
them under this act, all machines, wagons, vehicles, or car-
riages of any description whatsoever, which they may deem
necessary or proper for the purposes of transportation on
said road, and that they shall have power to charge for
Charge tolls.
tolls, and the transportation of persons, goods, produce,
merchandize, or property of any kind whatsoever, trans-
ported by them along said rail way from Delaware to the Sus-
quehanna river, any sum not exceeding the following rates,
Ratess United.
viz: on all goods, produce, merchandize, or property of any
description whatsoever, transported by them; that is to say,
not exceeding three cents a ton per mile for toll, for trans-
portation; and as the transportation of passengers with bag-
gage, not exceeding fifty pounds, or occupying a space not
exceeding two cubic feet, not exceeding three cents per
mile for each passenger; and it shall not be lawful for any
other company, or any person or persons whatsoever, to
Exclusive use.
travel upon or use any of the roads of said company, or to
transport persons or merchandize, produce, or property of
any description whatsoever, along said road or any of them,
without the license or permission of the president and di-
rectors of said company, and that the said road or roads.
with all their works, improvements and profits, and all
the machinery of transportation used on said road, are
Property vested.
hereby vested in said company incorporated by this act,
and their successors forever; and the shares of the capital
stock of said company shall be deemed and considered per-