Sec. 16. And be it enacted. That whenever in the con-
CHAP. 296.
struction of said road or roads, it shall be necessary to cioss
or intersect any established road or way, it shall be the du-
Cross ways provi-
ty of the said president and directors of the said company,
ded for.
so to construct the said road across such established road or
way, as noi to impede the passage or transportation of per-
sons or property along the same; or when it shall be neces-
sary to pass through the lands of any individual, it shall
also, be their duty to provide for such individuals, proper
wagon waj s across said road or roads, from one part of his
land to the other, and that whenever any road or roads may
hereafter be authorised to be made by the Legislature,
where it may be necessary to cross the said Rail-road, the
company shall make or cause to be made, a proper and con-
venient way for said road to cross, the expense of which
shall be paid as the Legislature may direct.
Sec. 17. And be it enacted. That whensoever it shall be-
Immediate use of
come necessary for said company to have, use or occupy
materials, &
any lands, material or other property, in order to the con-
struction or repair of any part of said road or roads, or
their works or necessary buildings, the president and direc-
tors of said company or their agents, or those contracting
with them for making or repairing the same, may immedi-
ately take and use the same, they having first caused the
property wanted, to be viewed by a jury formed in the same
manner herein before prescribed in those cases where the
property is to be changed or altered by admixture with other
substances before such alteration is made, and that it shall
not be necessary after such view, in order to the use or oc-
cupation of the same, to wait the issue of the proceedings
upon such view, and the inquest of the jury after confirma-
tion, and after payment or tender of the valuation, shall be
a bar to all actions for taking or using such property,
whether commenced before or after such confirmation or
the payment of the said valuation.
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That if it shall be necessary
Contracts with
for the said Delaware and Maryland Rail Road Company,
turnpike or bridge
in the selection of the route or construction of the road by
companies au-
them to be laid out and constructed, or any part of it, to
connect the same with, or to use any turnpike road or bridge,
made or erected by any company or persons incorporated
or authorised by any law of this state, it shall be lawfulfor
the said president and directors, and they are hereby au-
thorised, to contract and agree with any such other corpor-
ation or persons for the right to use such toad or bridge, or
for the transfer of any of the corporate or other rights, or
privileges of such corporation or persons, to the said com-