are hereby authorised and required to widen Gay street,
CHAP 292.
formerly Bridge street, in said city, thirty feet on the north
west side theieof, from High street eastwardly, to the city
line, and said street when so widened, is hereby declared a
public street and highway, of the width of tweny-nine and
Declared a high
a half feet, from High street to the east line of Union street,
(now Potter street,) and shall be subject to the like rules
and regulations as other public streets of the city, the foot-
ways of which shall be of such width as the city commis-
sioners shall fix and determine.
Sec. 2 And be it enacted. That the Mayor of the city of
Method of ascer-
Baltimore shall, on or before the first day of April, eighteen
taming damages
and benefits
hundred and thirty-three, appoint five disinterested freehol-
ders, assessors, who having first taken an oath before some
justice of the peace, for the city of Baltimore, to decide
without favor, affection or partiality, shall proceed forth-
with to value and assess the damages which may be sus
tained by the respective owners of the lots of ground upon
which the said street shall be so widened, and also to desig-
nate the property to be benefited thereby, taking into con-
sideration all the advantages and disadvantages, which dam-
ages they shall apportion amongst the owners of the pro-
perty benefitted, and make return of their proceedings, or
Proceeding direc-
or before the first day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty
three, including all necessary and reasonable costs and ex-
penses incurred, or to be incurred in virtue of this law, un-
der their hands and seals, to the Register of the city of
Baltimore, who shall file and keep the same in his office.
Sec. 3. Jlnd be it enacted, That the damages when so va-
The damages
made a lein on
lued and assessed, from time to time, shall be a lien upon
the property so ascertained and determined to be benefitted
until their respective proportions of said damages shall have
been paid.
Sec 4 And be it enacted, That the assessors aforesaid
Compensation to
shall be entitled to receive two dollars per day, as a com
pensation for their services, in performing the duties re
quired of them by this act.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the city collector of Bal
Authority to col-
timore, be, and is hereby authorised to collect the said dam-
ages, costs and expenses, in the same manner, that the city
taxes of said city are authorised to be collected, and in case
of neglect or refusal to pay, he shall proceed to make th
same by public sale of the property of the person or per-
Proceedings di-
sons so neglecting or refusing, ascertained and determined
to be benefitted as aforesaid, or so much thereof, as shall
be necessary, he giving at least thirty dayp notice of the
time and place of such sale previous thereto, in two or more