CHAP. 292.
Hornsberry, thirty dollars; for Catharine Guy, thirty dol-
lars; for John B. Norris, thirty dollars; for Queen Aim's
Queen Anne's.
county, for Tabilha Lewis, thirty dollars; and the levy
court are hereby required to levy the same; for two
orphan children of Robert Lurtin and wife, each fifteen
dollars, payable to Christopher Fields, or order; for
Calvert county, for Richard R. Ward, fifty dollars, and
the commissioners are hereby required to levy the same;
for Harford county, for Catharine Dearmot, ten dollars, in
addition to the sum she at present receives payable to Ro-
bert Richardson, or order; for Scott Preston, thirty dollars,
payable to Henry C. Preston, or order; for William Hughes
and Eleanor, bis wife, each twenty dollars, payable to Jo-
seph Parker, or order, and the commissioners are hereby
required to levy the same; for William Mahone, thirty dol-
lars, payable to Elizabeth Chauncey, or order, and the com-
missioners are hereby required to levy the same; for James
M. Magness, thirty dollars, payable to James S. McComas,
or order; for Frederick county, for Nicholas Durbin, thirty
five dollars, and the levy court are hereby required to levy
the same, payable to Thomas Devilbis, or order; for Mary
Ann Hinds, twenty five dollars, payable to John Hinds, or
order; for Thomas Cross, thirty dollars, payable to himself,
or order, instead of the order of William P. Farquhar;
Montgomery .
for Montgomery county, for Asher Layton, thirty dollars,
payable to Asher Layton, or order; for Gabriel Wather,
thirty dollars; for Hester Henly, twenty five dollars; for
Elizabeth Clements, thirty dollars; for Rebecca Mollison,
thirty dollars; for Abraham Umstadat, thirty dollars, for
Mary, his wife, twenty dollars; for Judson Clark, thirty
dollars; for Hezekian Burress, twenty tive dollars, payable
to Cassandra Burre&s, or order; for Thomas Lanham, thirty
dollars; for Catharine Hill, thirty dollars; for Washington
county, for Casper Mudy, thirty dollars, and the commis-
sioners are hereby required to levy the same; for Cecil
county, for John Whealey, thirty dollars; for Nelly More,
twenty dollars; for Zebulon Ferguson, thirty dollars.
Passed Mar. 13,1832
An act to widen a part of Gay street, formerly Bridge street,
in the City of Baltimore.
Authority to wi-
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the city commissioners of Baltimore, be, and they