CHAP. 293.
of the newspapers, published in said city, and when collec-
ted, it shall be the duty of said Register, to pay over the
same to the person or persons respectively, entitled tore.
ceive the same in pursuance of the provisions of this act,
and as a compensation for his services, the said collector
shall be entitled to the same commission on the whole
amount by him collected, as he now receives for collecting
the city taxes of the city of Baltimore.
Authority to re-
Sec. 6 And be it enacted. That the commissioners afore-
move obstructions
said, shall cause to be removed all obstructions on that part
of said street; Provided, no removal of any improvement
shall take place, under or by virtue of this act, until the
commissioners aforesaid, are fully satisfied that the valua-
tion to be made as is hereinafter directed, shall have been
tendered or paid to the person or persons authorised to
receive the same.
Appeal provided.
Sec 7. And be it enacted. That any person or persons,
or corporation, who may be dissatisfied with the assess-
ment of damages or benefits which shall be made by the
said commissioners, may within thirty days after the first
publication of the notice required to be given by the fifth
section of this act, appeal therefrom by petition in writing,
to the judges of Baltimore city court, who shall have juris-
diction over, and full power and authority, to hear, try and
determine said appeal or appeals, according to the existing
laws and ordinances, in the city of Baltimore, in such cases
made and provided; Provided also, That this act shall not
take effect unless approved by the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore, at their next annual session; And provided,
That by ordinance to be passed in relation to this act, the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall provide for a
trial by jury in all cases aforesaid, of damage or benefit.
Passed Mar. 13,1832
An act to divorce Henrietta T. Stewart, of the city of Bal-
timore, from her husband James Stewart.
Divorce granted.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Henrietta T. Stewart, of the city of Baltimore,
be and she is hereby divorced a mensa et thoro from her
husband James Stewart.
Clause annulled
Sec. 2. Aind be it enacted, That the said James Stewart
shall not, by virtue of his marriage with the said Henrietta
T. Stewart, be in any way entitled to, and that the said