Maryland, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
CHAP. 291.
and twenty-nine, entitled, " An act to limit the time for
taking appeals from magistrate's judgments ;"— Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted. That it shall and may be law-
Appeal allowed
ful to and for any person or persons, or body corporate.
from magistrate
to enter and prosecute any appeal from the judgment of
any justice of the peace of this state where such appeal is
now allowed by law; Provided, Such appeal be entered and
If made at the
prosecuted, to and at the county court, to beheld next after
firstt suceeding
county court.
the rendition of such judgment, or to be taken at any time
within sixty days from and after the rendition of such judg-
ment ; but, no such appeal shall operate as a supcrsedeas to
Not to operate as
any execution upon any such judgment; unless the party ap-
a supersedeas with-
out bond being
pealing give bond with security as already provided for.
An act for the relief of sundry Poor Persons, in the several
counties therein mentioned.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Lev y authorised.
the levy court or county commissioners, as the case may
be, of Prince George's, Charles, Queen Ann's, Calvert,
Harford, Frederick, Washington, and Cecil counties, be,
and they are hereby severally authorised, directed and em-
powered at their annual meeting, so long as they shall see
cause, to assess and levy on the assessable property, of sail
counties for the use of the several persons hereinafter men-
tioned, any money not exceeding the several sums annexed
to their respective names, at their discretion, except other
wise directed by this act, viz: in Prince George's county
On P. George's
for Ann Padgett and her five children, thirty dollars; for
John Booth, thirty dollars, payable to William Tovvnshend
or order, for Elizabeth Hazzard, twenty dollars; for Vin-
cent J. Powers, twenty five dollars, payable to Benjamin
E. Gantt, or order; for John Burnell, twenty dollars; for
Mary Ann P. Collins, twenty dollars; for Jane Wickam
twenty five dollars, for Miah Kidwell and wife each, fifteen
dollars; for Mary Ridwell, thirty dollars; for Deboral
Simpson, thirty five dollars; for Mary Ann Hill, daughte
of James Hill, twenty dollars, payable to John W. Ward
or order; in Charles cdunty, for Jane Louisa Parker, thirty
dollars, payable to Joseph A. Turner, or order; for Mary
Mudd, thiity dollars, payable to Francis Montgomery, or
order; for Francis Goodrick, forty dollars; for Margaret