See. 21. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for
CHAP. 289
the president and directors of the Baltimore and Port De-
posit rail road company aforesaid, or a majority of them, to
Charges for storing
weighing &c.
regulate, ascertain and fix from time to time, the price or
sum to be charged and taken by the said company for receiv-
ing, weighing, delivering and storage of merchandise, pro-
duce and other articles; and for the transportation of any
single bale, box, or parcel of merchandise, or other articles
not exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds weight; Pro-
vided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to
prevent the general assembly of Maryland from altering,
fixing and controlling said price or prices so charged when-
ever in its discretion it may think fit and necessary.
Sec. 28. And be it enacted, That trie said company shall
Charges for parcels
be entitled to charge and take for the transportation of any
parcel or article on such rail road or roads any distance
whatever, twelve and a half cents, and a. like sum for taking
up and setting down any person, who shall travel a distance
not exceeding eight miles in addition to the charge of four
cents per mite for the conveyance of such person.
An act to provide for the opening of Division street, in Bal-
Passed Mar.l3, 1832
timore city, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
Corporation au-
ryland, That the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
thorised to past
ordinances for
shall be and they are hereby authorised to pass such ordi-
opening &c.
nance or ordinances for the purpose of opening Division
street, in the city of Baltimore, from Biddle street to the
cily limits, and also for opening two alleys running parallel
with Division street, from Preston to Hoffman street, and
lying respectively to the north and south of Division street,
prior to the first day of May, in the year eighteen hundred
and thirty-three, in such manner and upon such terms and
conditions as they may deem most advisable and for the as-
certaining and paying the damages caused by opening said
Ascertain dama-
street and alleys, and the assessing, levying and collecting
ges &c.
a just proportion of the sum of said damages and incidental
expenses from each and all the owners of property bene-
fitted thereby; Provided always, That every person who
may feel aggrieved by any assessment of damages or bene-
fits, shall be allowed an appeal within a reasonable time, to
Appeal provided.
be limited for taking the same, and the city court of Balti-
more shall exercise such jurisdiction in any case of ap-