CH AP. 288.
any of paid roads; and that the provisions of this act shall be
wholly in force, as to all the property of the company which
may be situated, or may be within the state of Maryland,
and which said company is permitted to bold under this act.
Period for com-
Sec. 24. And be it enacted, That if said road shall not be
mencing and com-
commenced in two years from the passage of this act, and
shall not be finished in ten years from the time of the com-
mencement thereof, then this act shall be null and void.
Authority to
extend within
Sec. 25. And be it enacted. That it shall, and may be law-
the city of Balti-
ful for the directors of the said company to extend the said
rail road to any point or points within the said city of Balti-
more, which they may think proper, and to make and extend
the said road from such point to the outer limits of the said
city, and that the same powers, rights, and privileges, shall
be, and are hereby granted to the aforesaid company, within
the limits of the city of Baltimore, in relation to, and in con-
nexion with the said rail road within the said city as are
granted to them in relation to, and in connexion with
the said Baltimore and Port Deposit rail road compa-
ny in any other part of the state; and the said company
shall, within the said city, be subject to the same obliga-
tions that are imposed upon them in other parts of the state;
Provided always, that the rail road to be constructed within
the said city, shall be so constructed and made, as not to in-
terfere with the free use and travelling on the streets of
said city; And provided also, that the said rail road shall
not pass through any of the streets, lanes, or alleys, of said
city, without the consent of the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, being first had and obtained.
May contract for
Sec 26. And be it enacted, That the Baltimore and Port
the mail &c .
Deposit rail road company shall have power to contract
with any duly authorised officer, agent, or contractor with
the government of the United States for the conveyance or
transportation of the mail of the United States, and also for
the transportation of persons and property on said rail road
or roads, to be made under this act for the use of the Unit-
ed State, on such terms as shall be approved of by the pro-
per officer of, or contractor within the said government;
and the said company shall have power to make special
contracts with any authorised officer or agent of the state
of Maryland, or of any other of the United States, or with
any corporation, copartnership or individual for the exclus-
ive use of any car or part of a car, or wagon on said rail
road or roads for a limited time or distance, and for the
For transportation.
transportation thereon of horses, and other living animals,
and of carriages, furniture, plate, jewelry and machinery of
any description, on such terms as may be agreed on by the