CHAP. 290.
peal as shall be authorised by any ordinance that may be
passed in pursuance of this act.
Case of no such
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, shall not provide for the opening of
Division street and alleys aforesaid,previous to the aforemen-
tioned, then Michael Riddlemoser, and the other proprietors
of the. ground whereon the said alleys and Division street
are located, and each of his and their respective heirs
and assigns, and every of them shall thereafter severally
have as full power or right and authority to make any im-
Proprietors may
provements, and to cause any building or buildings to be
improve lots.
erected upon any and every part of said ground, to them or
either of them respectively belonging, as they, or either of
them would have, if the act of assembly, passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter one
hundred and forty-eight, and the act of assembly, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and sixteen, chapter
two-hundred and eighteen, were heieby and wholly re-
Confirmation re-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That no part of this act shall
be of any force or efiect, until the mayor and city council
of Baltimore have approved the same.
Passed Mar.13,1832
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the
speedy recovery of small debts out of Court, and to repeal
the nets of Assembly therein mentioned.
Notice of legal
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
constables sales
ryland, That the legal notice to be given by any constable,
of the sale of any goods and chatties, (negro slaves excepted)
hereafter to be made, by virtue of any fieri facias or vendi-
tioni exponas, issued according to the provisions of the ori-
ginal act, to which this is a supplement, and the several sup-
plements thereto, shall be by advertisement, setup, at least
ten days before the day of sale, at two of the most public
Of goods and
places in the county, most convenient to such goods and per-
sonal chatties; and in the case of the sale of negro slaves,
Of negroes, land
or tenements.
lands and tenements, by virtue of any writ as aforesaid, no-
Advertisement in
tice thereof shall be given, by advertisement, set up, at
least twenty days before the day of sale, at the court house
door of the county, and at two of the most public places in
the county most convenient to such negro slaves, lands and
tenements, and published for the same period of time, pre-