grantor or grantors twisting said grantors or either of them
after the date of said deeds, and prior to the time of their
being recorded.
CHAP. 45.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the clerk of said county
shall be entitled to the same fees for recording as he would
have received had said deeds been recorded within the
time provided by law.
Clerk's Fees,
An act to authorise the Guardian of the heirs of Isaac Mitch-
ell, to convey to Mary P. Mitchell, their right, title and in-
terest in a piece of land therein mentioned.
Passed Jan.26, 1832
WHEREAS, by the last will and testament of John Pope
Mitchell, deceased, he gave and devised to his daughter
Mary P. Mitchell a small tract or parcel of land, called
Mitchells Lot, lying in Worcester county, and a patent be-
ing ordered by Mary P. Mitchell it was issued in the names
of the then surviving heirs, which was Isaac, John and Ma-
ry P. Mitchell, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the guardian of the heirs of Isaac Mitchell be, and are here-
by authorised and empowered to convey by deed to Mary
P. Mitchell, all the right, title and interest of said heirs to
the said Mary, and the right so conveyed shall he as good
and effectual as if the said patent had issued to said Mary P.
Guardian author
ised to convey.
An act to incorporate the Washington Hose Company of
Passed Jan 26,1832
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this general assem-
bly, that the members of the Washington Hose Company of
Baltimore have associated themselves together for the pur-
pose of protecting the property in said city against fire,
and have adopted rules and regulations for the government
of said company, and in order to give effect to the said rules
and regulations which have or may be established by said
company, are desirous that an act of incorporation should
be passed in their favor— Therefore,