CHAP. 157.
Passed Mar. 5 1832
An act relating to the compensation of the Surveyor of Queen
Anne's county.
Compensation fee.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the. passage of this act, the compensation of
the surveyor of Queen Anne's county, instead of the fees
now allowed for that purpose, shall be a per diem of five
dollars for every day he is actually employed in surveying,
to be recovered as the fees of that officer are now recover-
ed; Provided, that the per diem of said officer during his
attendance on the court of said county, and the fees for plot
and certificate, shall remain as now provided by law.
Passed Mar, 3,1832.
An act f or draining part of a Branch of Tuckahoe, known by
the name of German's Branch, lying in Queen Anne's county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to the General Assembly, by
the petiiition of sundry inhabitants, that they are possessed
of part of a valuable branch of Tuckahoe, called German's
Branch, lying in Queen Anne's county, and as there is good
reason to believe that great advantage might be derived, as
well to the public as the proprietors of said branch, if the
same should be effectually drained, and as it cannot be well
accomplished without the aid of the legislature, by passing
an act to secure the joint exertions of all the proprietors;
And whereas, it appears to this General Assembly, that it
will be of public utility to extend the aid of the legislature
in order to e fleet so good a purpose — Therefore,
Directors named
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Solomon Wright, James Roe, Pere Wilmer,
Henry E. Wright, John B. Thomas, Joseph R. Turpin and
Samuel Roe, be and they are hereby appointed directors,
and are hereby authorised and empowered, or a majority of
them, to make and open a drain or ditch down said branch,
from the line of Solomon Wright's land until it shall inter-
sect the main road leading from the Nine Bridges to Ruths-
burgh, in such direction and of such width and depth as
they, or a majority of them, may judge most proper to con-
vey the water from said branch, and reduce the same to dry
land; and it shall and may be lawful for the said directors,
or a majority of them, to meet on the first Monday of April