in each and every year hereafter, at any place, of at any
CHAP. 237
time or times which may be agreed on by the said directors,
or a majority of them, for the transaction of business.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the costs, charges and
Payment for cut-
expenses of cutting and opening said ditch or drain, shall
be paid by the respective proprietors of the same, each
paying for the cutting or opening the drain through his or
her own land, except when it shall so happen that two or
more of the said proprietors hold parts of said branch,
through which the said ditch or drain shall be made, adjoin-
ing each other, part on one side thereof and part on the
other, in which case each shall pay in proportion to the
part he or she shall or may hold.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said directors, or a
Power of directors
majority of them, shall have full power and authority at
any time thereafter, to cut, open or complete said drain or
ditch, and also, from time to time, to repair or clean, and
keep open in good order, that said ditch or drain so to be
made and cut in virtue of this act, at the expense of said
propnetors,in the same proportion that the expenses of cut-
ting and opening the said ditch or drain are to be paid, and
for the cutting or opening the said ditch or drain in the first
instance, and of repairing and cleansing the same when cut
and opened, the said directors, or a majority of them, are
hereby authorised to apportion what they may conceive the
expenses thereof will amount to, and demand and receive
such proportion from the said proprietors reap actively be-
fore, or at any time after the commencement of the said
work, or after the same is finished; and the said directors,
or a majority of them, are hereby empowered to sell and
convey, or in any wise dispose of any part or parcel of va-
Sell and convey
cant land, lying and being in said German's Branch, which
aforesaid ditch or drain may pass through, or any part or
parcel that may not be claimed by any person or persons,
Apply proceeds.
and apply the proceeds of said sale to the cutting, draining
and cleansing of said branch as aforesaid.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That in case the said proprie-
Case of failure to
ors, or any of them, shall not pay to the said directors, his,
her or their respective proportion of any sum of money,
fixed and apportioned by the said directors as aforesaid, for
the purpose of opening, cutting, cleansing or repairing the
said ditch or drain, within forty days after demand of the
same by the said directors, or a majority of them, it shall
and may be lawful for the said directors, or a majority of
them, to collect the proportion due from such delinquent
Powers to collect.
proprietor or proprietors, by distress and public sale, of
any goods or chattels of such proprietor or proprietors, of