CHAP. 228.
to fill all vacancies that may occur in the directory or pre-
sidency; to appoint all such officers, agents and servants, as
they shall deem necessary to conduct or execute the busi-
ness of said corporation, to fix their compensation, and in
their discretion to dismiss them; to take bonds for the said
corporation, from all or any of the officers, agents or ser-
vants by them so appointed, with security, conditioned, in
such form as they shall approve, for the faithful execution
of the duties of such officers, agents or servants, and to se-
cure the said corporation from loss; to regulate the manner
of making and receiving deposits, the form of certificates
to be issued to depositors, and the mode of transferring the
same; to invest the funds of the said corporation; and gene-
rally, to do any such other acts touching the same as they
shall deem most safe and beneficial; to admit members and
furnish proof of such admission; to exclude members when
they have not any property in said corporation; to pay all
expenses necessary to conduct the affairs of said corpora-
tion; and generally to pass all such by-laws, as may be ne-
cessary for the exercise of the aforesaid powers, or the
powers vested in the said corporation, and the same by-
laws, from time to time, to alter and repeal; Provided, that
all such by-laws, may be altered or repealed, by a majority
of the members assembled at any annual meeting, or at any
general meeting called in pursuance of any by-laws made
for that purpose, and a majority of the members present, at
any annual or general meeting, may pass by-laws which
shall be binding upon the directors; Provided, that such by
laws, shall not be contrary to any law of this state, or of
the United States.
Receive of depo-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
be capable to receive from any free person, or persons, any
deposit or deposits of money; and to invest all moneys so
Make investments.
received in publib stock, or other securities, at the discretion
of the directors, and in such manner as they shall deem
most safe and beneficial; And provided always, that such in
vestment of the laws of the corporation, shall be made in
the manner directed in the by-laws; and that no director or
member shall be liable in his person or property, for any
debts, contracts or engagements of the said corporation, but
that the money, property, rights and credits of the said cor-
poration, and nothing more, shall be liable for the same.
Committee of
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
directors, at least once in every six months, to appoint from
the members of the corporation, five competent persons, to
investigate the affairs of said corporation, and to make a
report thereof, which report shall be recorded in a book