kept for the purpose, that shall be open for the inspection
CHAP. 230.
at all times, of any depositor or member; and it shall be the
duty of the directors, on the first Monday of January, and
on the first Monday of July, in each and every year, to
make and declare such dividend of the profits as shall have
been made by the investments herein before provided for,
after paying the expenses of the institution, and the same to
pay over unto the members of said corporation or their le-
gal representatives within ten days thereafter.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall be, and con-
tinue in force until the year eighteen hundred and forty five,
and until the end of the first session of the General Assem-
bly that shall happen thereafter.
An act for the relief of Elizabeth Stewart, of the city of
Passed Mar.9, 1832
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the said Elizabeth Stewart, be, and she is
hereby divorced from bed, board and mutual cohabitation,
with her husband Joseph Stewart.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Joseph Stewart,
Liability barred.
shall not be liable for any debt, to be hereafter contracted
by the said Elizabeth Stewart, nor be entitled to any pro-
perty which she now has or may hereafter acquire; and
the said Elizabeth Stewart shall, to every effect, intent and
purpose, be capable in law and equity, to take and to hold,
and dispose of any property, and make and be bound, by
any contracts or engagements, as if she were a feme sole,
Feme sole.
and had never been married: Provided however, That no-
thing herein contained shall authorise the said Elizabeth to
coatract marriage during the life of the said Joseph Stew-
An, act to authorise the Clerk of Prince George's county to
Passed Mar. 8, 1832
record the deed therein mentioned.
Section. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the clerk of Prince George's county court,
Authority to re-
cord deed.
be, and he is hereby authorised and required, to proceed to