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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 289   View pdf image (33K)
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ton, John Barnes, William Plater, Walter Latimer, Peter

CHAP. 228.

W. Grain, Walter H- J. Mitchell, William B. Stone, Gus-


favus Brown, Ignatius Stewart, Charles M'Can, Zachariah


Lloyd, Francis Lloyd, John B Lawson, William Alfred


Dulany, George W. Matthews, James Adams, Francis Nal-


ly, James Thompson, John Fergusson, William Fergusson,


John A. Matthews, Edward Pye, Nicholas Stonestreet,


John J. Jenkins, Henry M. Brawner, James Brawner, Alex-


ander Manning, P. A. Orme, William Lloyd, Francis Cle-


ments, Walter H. Robertson, John Robertson, William D.


Briscoe, Henry A. Neal, John B. Wills, Hugh Cox, and all


and every other person or persons, who shall become mem-


bers of the Port Tobacco Savings Bank, in the manner


hereafter mentioned, shall be, and are hereby created and


made a body corporate, by the name and style of the Port


Tobacco Savings Bank, and by that name shall have suc-


cession, and be capable in law to hold and dispose of pro-


perty, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer


and defend, and be answered and defended, in courts of law


or equity, and in any other place; to receive and make all


deeds, transfers, contracts, covenants, conveyances and


grants whatsoever; to make, have and use, a common seal,


and the same to change and renew at pleasure; and gener-


ally, to do every other act or thing necessary to carry into


effect the provisions of this act, or to promote the objects


and designs of said corporation.


Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That there shall be a meeting

Meeting of mem-

of the members of said corporation, on such day in the


month of A pril next, and at such place as the five persons


first above named, or any three of them, shall appoint, of


which meeting, they shall give at least ten days notice by


advertisement, at the court house door, in Port Tobacco,


or such other public places as they may deem expedient,


and on such day in the month of April, annually thereafter,

Annual meeting.

and at such place as the by laws of the said corporation


shall provide, fqr the purpose of choosing, from among the


members, nine directors, to manage the affairs of the said

Elect directon.

corporotion, for one year thereafter, and until a new election


of directors shall take place; and the five members first


above named, or any three of them, shall be the judges of

Judges of election

the first election of directors; and the judges of all subse-


quent elections shall be appointed, and notice of these elec-


tions given, and conducted in such manner as the by-laws


shall provide.


Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the directors for the time

General powers of

being or a majority of them, shall have power to elect a


president from their own body, or from the other members;


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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 289   View pdf image (33K)
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