Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners who
shall be appointed by the levy court in virtue of this act,
shall meet at the Witch Bridge on the first Monday of May
next, succeeding the confirmation of this act, as required
by the constitution and form of government, or within ten
days thereafter, for the purpose of carrying into effect the
CHAP. 33,
provisions of this act, and the said commissioners may ad-
journ from time to time, and from place to place, until they
shall have performed and completed the several duties re-
quired of them by this act, and the said commissioners
shall be, and they are hereby required, on or before the
When and where
to meet.
first day of July next, after their meeting as aforesaid, to
make out and deliver to the clerk of the county aforesaid;
a plain and accurate description in writing, of the limits,
boundaries and designations of each district so created and
laid off, certified under their hands and seals, and the said
clerk shall make a fair record thereof amongst the records
of the county aforesaid.
Concerning the li-
mits of
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
be and they hereby are authorised and required to adjust
and limit the quantum of compensation, to be allowed to
the proprietor or proprietors of the place of holding elec-
tions in said district, and the same to certify as aforesaid.
To limit compen-
sation to proprie-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That for the performance of
the duties required of the said commissioners by this act,
and for the place of holding elections, the levy court shall
make allowance and shall levy the same upon the county,
to be collected and paid as other county charges are col-
Levy to be made.
lected and paid; Provided, that the said commissioners shall
not receive a sum exceeding two dollars each, per diem, for
each and every day they may severally be engaged in the
proper duties of this act.
Sec 6. And be it enacted, That after the confirmation of
this act, the levy court of Somerset county shall, accord-
ing to the provisions of the act of eighteen hundred and
five, chapter ninety-seven, appoint three persons in each of
the said districts, residents therein, who, or such of them
as shall attend, shall be the judge or judges of elections, for
the district for which he or they shall have been appointed
as aforesaid; and the judges so appointed, shall have, hold
and exercise the same powers and authorities, and be sub-
ject to the same penalties, and be entitled to the same pay
as judges of elections in Somerset county now exercise,
and are entitled and subject to.
Of the judges of
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That all laws now in force, not
inconsistent with this act, shall be, and remain in force;
and all provisions repugnant to this act shall be, and the