CHAP. 33.
hereby authorised to alter the grade of Calvert street, at
and near the intersection of Pleasant street, and to raise
Owners consent
not required.
the same not exceeding three feet above its present grade,
without the consent of a majority of the owners of lots in-
terested therein, being first had and obtained, on such terms
as may be agreed upon between the said Mayor and City
Council, and the President and Directors of the Baltimore
Water Company; Provided, that no part of the expense of
said alteration shall be charged to, or exacted from any of
the owners of the adjacent property, or any other person
or persons excepting the said President and Directors of
the Baltimore Water Company; And provided moreover,
that said alteration shall have been made and completed
before the first day of November, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three, otherwise this act shall be null and void.
Passed Jan 15, 1832
An act to amend the Constitution and Form of Government
as it relates to the division of Somerset county into election
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly, that a numerous class of voters in that part of the
Princess Anne district of Somerset, called Hungary Neck,
by reason of their remote location from the place of hold-
ing elections, are virtually deprived of the privilege of vot-
ing, which by the spirit of the constitution is intended to
be extended to every free white male citizen of this state,
and is designed to be secured by the bill of rights, for re-
medy whereof —
Additional district
Section 1. Be it enacted by General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the election district in Somerset county, called
and known as the Princess Anne district, shall be further
sub-divided, and that an additional election district shall be
established therein, which shall be made convenient to the
voters of Hungary Neck.
Commissioners to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in case this act shall be
confirmed as required by the constitution and form of go-
vernment of this state, the levy court of Somerset county,
shall be, and they are hereby required to appoint three
commissioners, who, or a majority of them, shall proceed
to sub-divide said district, and to select and appoint a suit-
able place for holding elections, convenient to the inhabi-
tants of Hungary Neck, having due regard to extent of ter-
ritory, population, and the accommodation of voters.