CHAP. 35.
same are declared to be repealed, upon the confirmation of
this act.
If confirmed to be
a part of the con-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be con-
firmed by the next General Assembly after the next election
of delegates, in the first session after such new election as
the constitution and form of government directs; in such
case, this act, and the alterations in the said constitution
contained therein, shall be considered as a part, and consti-
tute and be valid as a part of the said constitution and form
of government, to all intents and purposes, and every mat-
ter and thing in the said constitution and form of govern-
ment in any wise conflicting with, or contrary thereto, shall
be, and the same is hereby repealed, abrogated and annull-
Passed Jan. 25, 1832
An act to authorise the commissioners of Washington county
to raise a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned.
Levy for deficien-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of Washington county be, and they are
hereby authorised and required, to levy such sum of money
upon the said county, as may be necessary to make up the
deficiency that shall have occurred in the subscriptions for
building a bridge over the Conococheague creek, under the
provisions of an act passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-six, chapter twenty-two, and to pay
over the said sum to the person, who has contracted to build
the said bridge.
Passed Jan, 25, 1832
An act to provide for the erection of a building for the ac-
commodation of Somerset county court.
Levy authorised.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Levy Court of Somerset county, be, and
they are hereby authorised and required, to levy and assess,
on the assessable property of Somerset county, such sum
To rebuild court
or sums of money, as they may deem sufficient to rebuild
the court house in said county, or if they may deem it more
suitable to build a court room on any of the public property