Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said original act, so on file as aforesaid, or a copy of the
same, certified and attested by the clerks of the two House
of the Legislature, shall be received as conclusive evidence
in all courts of justice, and in all cases whatsoever, in which
it may be necessary to enquire into the charter of said com-
pany, and the rights of parties therein, or claiming there-
CHAP. 201.
Original act made
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief of
Allen Thomas.
Passed Mar. 3,1832
WHEREAS, Alien Thomas and Nathaniel H. Ellicott,
acting for himself and in behalf of the other petitioners,
praying for the repeal of an act of the present General As-
sembly, for the relief of said Thomas, have presented the
draught of a bill, modifying the provisions of said act in a
manner which seems just and reasonable — Therefore,
Section 1 . Se it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Nicholas Worthington, Loyd T. Hammond,
John T. W. Dorsey and Thomas Hood, of Anne Arundel
county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners in
addition to the three commissioners named in the act to
which this is a supplement; which seven commissioners, or
a majority of them, shall exercise the powers and perform
the duties authorised and required by the said act; and their
proceedings, when certified by the said commissioners, or
a majority of them, in the manner directed by said act,
shall be evidence of all matters certified therein, in relation
to the giving of notice and other their proceedings — and
the said proceedings shall not be set aside for any defect in
Seven commission-
ers named and
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for any justice of the peace of said county, on the appli-
cation of any person or persons, who may be aggrieved by
the valuation of damages aforesaid, to issue his warrant,
under his hand and seal, to the sheriff of the county, com-
manding him to summon a jury of twelve men, to meet on
the premises on a certain day, of which ten days notice
shall be given to the parties interested; and the jurors,
when so met, and after each taking an oath that he will
without favor, affection, partiality or prejudice, assess the
damages sustained by the person or persons, at whose re-
Jury awarded.