ficulty said estate yields nothing to said devisees, while, on
the other hand, it is subject to the burden of taxes and other
expenses — Therefore,
CHAP. 196.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland , That
upon application by said Margaretta and by her said chil-
dren,(the minors appearing by a guardian or a next friend,)
to the court of chancery, the said court may order, adjudge
and decree that the lands, tenements, and real estate, or any
part thereof, be in the entirety or in parcels demised for a
term, or for terms of ninety-nine years, renewable forever,
yielding such rents, and subject to such terms and condi-
tions, as in that behalf shall be, as hereinafter provided, ap-
proved,and finally ratified, and confirmed by said court; and
the said court shall determine and prescribe how, and to
whom the said rent, and the benefit of said terms and con.
Lease authorised.
ditions shall be reserved, so that such reservations conform
to the limitations of said last will and testament of Metta
Repold in respect of said lands, tenements, and real estate;
and for making and executing such demises and deeds
thereof, the court of chancery shall appoint such person or
persons, and under such terms, directions, and conditions,
as to said court shall seem proper; and the person or per-
Application of
sons so appointed shall make report to said court of his, her,
or their proceedings in the premises; which proceedings
shall be of no effect unless by said court ratified and con-
Report of pro-
firmed; in order to which ratification and confirmation, and
in the consideration of which proceeding the said court may
order and proceed in manner as is practised in said court,
in and about the consideration and ratification, and confirm-
ation of sales of land made by a trustee under decree of
said court; and said court is hereby empowered from time
to time, at discretion, to substitute any person or persons in
the place of the person or persons originally, or at any time
by said court appointed to make and execute the said demi-
ses, and the deeds atoresaid; and upon the ratification and
Authority to sub-
stitute other trus-
confirmation thereof, respectively as aforesaid, the said de-
mises shall be valid and effectual against the devisees of
said Metta Repold and her heirs, and all persons claiming
under her by virtue of said will.