CHAP. 196.
county of Baltimore, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, to grant to John A. Stanbery, of the city of
Baltimore, the benefit of the several acts of assembly, pass-
ed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors; Provided, the said
John A, Stanbery shall in all respects (except that of prov-
ing residence) comply with the requisition of said acts of
assembly, and that he satisfy the said commissioners that he
did not come into this state with the view of obtaining the
benefit of the said Insolvent Laws.
Passed Feb.20,1832
An act for the relief of Balthasar Schroeder, of the city of
Benefit extended.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of Insolvent Debtors for the city and
and county of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authoris-
ed and empowered to grant to Balthasar Schroeder, of the
city of Baltimore, the beneiit of the several acts of assem-
bly, passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors; Provided,
the said Balthasar Schroeder, shall in all respects (excepting
that of proving residence) comply with the requisitions of
said acts of assembly, and that he satisfy the said commis-
sioners that he did not come into this state, with the view of
obtaining the benefit of the said Insolvent Laws.
Passed Feb.24,1832
An act for the benefit of Margaretta Waesche and others.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly, by
the petition of Margaretta Waesche and her children, Eli-
zabeth W. Emeha, Frederick R., and George F. R.
Waesche, that Metta Repold, by her last will and testament
devised to said Margaretta for life, with remainder after
her death to said children, certain real estate, situate in the
city of Baltimore, which, by reason of the minority of said
Elizabeth, Emelia, and Frederick, cannot be leased out on
perpetual terms, which, it is alleged, is the best mode of
making the said real estate productive and beneficial to said
Margaretta and her children; in consequence of which dif-