lite Sisters of Baltimore, " for works of piety, charity and
usefulness, and for the education of young females; which
association, from its nature and objects, as well as its posit-
ive regulations, must always be composed of unmarried
women: that for the purposes of their institution, and as a
place of residence for themselves and their successors, they
have purchased a lot of ground situate on the west side of
Aisquith street, in the city of Baltimore, on which suitable
buildings have been erected for their residence, and for the
uses of their school: that as the individuals who compose
their association change by deaths and new admissions, they
cannot hold their estate in their own names, and conduct
the business of the association without great embarrass-
ments; for which inconveniencies they are advised a proper
and adequate remedy cannot be afforded, except by an act of
the general assembly of Maryland, constituting them a body
corporate, with a perpetual succession, and with such pow-
ers and privileges for taking, holding and disposing of pro-
perty, as may be deemed expedient. And Whereas, the
facts set forth in the said petition appear to be true, and
the prayer thereof is reasonable and proper: therefore,
CHAP. 28.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland;
That the said Mary Ann Mudd, Jane Hammersley, Ann T.
Matthews, Mary Furry, Mary Ann Johnson, Matilda Boar-
man, Elizabeth H. Boarman, Eleanor Hammersley, Ara-
minta Edelen, Mary Bradford, Teresa Beavans, Rebecca
Mudd, Ann Catharine Ford, Mary Carbery, Mary Llewel-
lin, Elizabeth Smith, Juliana Sewall, Catharine M. Jemi-
son, Mary S. Smith, Olivia Neale, Ann Bradburn, Bridget
Launer, and Sarah Whelen, and those who may hereafter
become members of the said association, and their succes-
sors, shall be and hereby are constituted a body corporate
by the name and style of "The Carmelite Sisters of Balti-
more, " with perpetual succession; and by that name may
sue and be sued, may have and use a common seal; may
take, hold and use any real or chattel estate, by devise or
otherwise, in fee simple or for any less estate, and the same
or any part thereof may lease, sell and convey by deed or
otherwise; with full power and authority to collect and re-
ceive all rents and debts which may become due and owing
to the said association, by suit or otherwise, as any person
might lawfully do: Provided always, That the said corpora-
tion shall not at any one time hold, use, possess and enjoy,
any estate real or personal, beyond or exceeding in value,
in the whole, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars.