CHAP. 30.
Passed Jan 24, 1832
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to establish a Bank,
and incorporate a company, under the name of the Freder-
ick County Bank.
Powers extended
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That in addition to the articles enumerated hi the
fifteenth section of the original act, to which this is a sup-
plement, in which the company may be concerned, it shall
and may be lawful, and the said company are hereby au-
thorised and empowered to be concerned in stock of the
State of Maryland, or of the city of Baltimore, or of any
other of the incorporated cities or towns of this State.
AND WHEREAS, the twenty first section of said original
act requires that when the drawer of a note offered for dis-
count shall not reside in the town of Frederick, such note
shall be made payable at the house of some person in the
town aforesaid, and notice given by the proper servant of
the bank at said house, that such note hath become due;
And whereas, it has been found more convenient for such
drawer to make his note payable at the banking house of
said bank, and the notice given there — Therefore,
Of notice where to
be given.
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That in all cases where the drawer
of a note shall not reside in the Town of Frederick, and
shall make the note payable at the banking house of said
Bank, and notice shall be given by the proper servant of the
Bank, at said banking house, that such note hath become
due, such notice shall be, to all intents and purposes, held
and considered to be as completely binding on the drawer
and endorsers, as if notice had been personally served on.
each of them.
Passed Jan 25, 1832
An act to establish the width of that part of Orleans street,
lying east of Canal street, in the city of Baltimore
Width settled
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the width of that part of Orleans street ly-
ing east of Canal street, from Canal street to the Eastern
limits of the City of Baltimore, be, and is hereby declared to
be, sixty-six feet, and that the said part of Orleans street be,
and is hereby declared to be, in conformity with the loca-
tion of the same, made and established by the commission-