CHAP 26.
That before the said commissioners shall be entitled to re-
ceive any money, by virtue of the provisions of this act,
As to bonds.
they shall enter into bonds to the state of Maryland in the pen-
alty of double the amount of the whale sum hereby author-
ised to be levied, conditioned for the faithful discharge of
their duties as commissioners as aforesaid; which said bonds
shall be lodged with the clerk of the county courts of each
of said counties, and may be sued as any public bonds bow
are, and a certified copy of said bonds under the seal of
cither of the county clerks as aforesaid, shall be evidence in
any court of law or equity in this state.
Vacancies to be
Sec. 4. And be it enacted; That in case of the death,
resignation or refusal to act, of any of the commissioners
herein named, the commissioners of Baltimore or Ann Arun-
del county as the case may be, shall appoint some suitable
person resident of the county in which he was a commis-
sioner to act in his place, and the person so appointed shall
have the same powers and authorities as are vested in the
said commissioners by this act, and be subject to the same
penalties as the other commissioners herein named are.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted; That the said commissioners
or a majority of them, shall render to the commissioners of
said counties respectively at their meeting next after the
completion of said bridge, or within six months thereafter,
a true, full and fair account of all monies by them laid out
and expended by virtue of this act, in building and com-
pleting said bridge, and the commissioners of the respective
counties, shall make such compensation to said commission-
ers, as they in their judgments shall think proper.
Passed Jan. 24, 1832
An act to incorporate the Carmelite Sisters of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, Mary Ann Mudd, Jane Hammersley, Ann T.
Matthews, Mary Furry, Mary Ann Johnson, Matilda Boar-
man, Elizabeth H. Boarman, Eleanor Hammersley, Ara-
minta Edelen, Mary Bradford, Teresa Beayens, Rebecca
Mudd, Ann Catharine Ford, Mary Carbery, Mary Llewel-
lin, Elizabeth Smith, Juliana Sewall, Catharine M. Jean-
son, Mary S. Smith, Olivia Neale, Ann Bradburn, Bridget
Launer, and Surah Whelen, by their petition to this general
assembly, have represented, that being unmarried women,
and above the age of twenty-one years, they have formed
themselves into an association by the name of "The Carme-