CHAP: 189.
and by the said name may sue and be sued, and plead, an-
swer and defend, may have and use a common seal, and the
same may alter and renew at pleasure, and may exercise all
the other powers incident to corporations, aggregate, and all
powers authorised by this act, in such manner as they, or a
majority of them, may deem proper, subject, neverthetess, to
Subject to control
the controul and disposition of the directresses of the said
Female Domestic Missionary and Education Society of
Hagers-Town, or a majority of them, as to the disposition
and application of estate, property, effects and funds, which
the said trustees shall so hold or have in trust, in virtue of
this act.
Annual meeting.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the members of the Fe-
male Domestic Missionary and Education Society of Hagers-
Tovvn aforesaid, shall meet annually on the first Monday of
April, or on such other day and at such place in the city of
Elect directors.
Hagers-Town, as the constitution or by-laws of the society
shall provide, and elect twelve directresses to manage the
concerns of said society for one year, and until a new elec-
tion, under the provisions of this act, shall be made, and
until such election shall be made, the above named Rev'd.
Present officers
Mrs. Hoshour, Miss Eliza Harry, Miss Susan Ragan, Miss
Ann M. Shryock, Miss Sarah A. Yeagle, Miss Catharine
Lorshbaugh, Miss Susan Gearheart, Miss C. I. Reynolds ,
Miss Elizabeth Albert, Miss Amelia C. Kausler, shall be the
directresses of said society; and the said directresses, and
those hereafter elected as aforesaid, or a majority of them,
shall have power to fill all vacancies in their own board,
and in the board of trustees incorporated as aforesaid, so as
to continue the succession of the said trustees; to elect a
Choose President
and officer.
president, treasurer, and such other officers of said society,
as they may deem necessary; to provide for and regulate the
Regulate election.
election, or other admission of members, the conditions and
evidences of membership, the right and manner of voting at
elections of ditectresses, appoint judges of such elections,
Receive donations
and the time, place, and manner of holding them; to provide
for the receipt and collection of donations, contributions, or
other funds; to provide for the distribution, or other appli-
General powers.
cation of all property, effects and funds, which they, or the
trustees aforesaid, shall obtain or receive, to the payment
of all the necessary expenses which they shall incur, and
generally to do all such lawful acts, and pass all such by
laws as shall be necessary to the exercise of all power vest-
ed in them by this act, and to effect the benevolent object
of this association.
Exempt from tax.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the property of this socie-
ty shall be exempt from taxation, until the Legislature shall
otherwise direct.