returns, the sum of three dollars per day, to be levied and
paid as other charges, any law, usage or custom to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
CHAP. 189.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the levy court are au-
thorised and empowered to levy any sum, which in their
judgment they shall think right, for a compensation for any
house in which the election may be held; Provided, that the
sum shall not exceed seven dollars in any one case.
Levy directed.
An act to incorporate the Female Domestic Missionary and
Education Society, of Hagers -Town.
Passed Mar 1,1831
WHEREAS, the Rev. Mrs. Hoshour, Miss Eliza Harry,
Miss Susan Ragan, Miss Ann M. Shryock, Miss Sarah A.
Yeakle, Miss Catherine Lorshbaugh, Miss Susan Gearheart,
Miss C. I. Reynolds, Miss Elizabeth Albert, Miss Amelia
C. Kausler, and other respectable ladies in the city of Ha-
gers-Town, have associated, by the name of the Female
Domestic Missionary and Education Society of Hagers-
Town, for the benevolent purpose of rendering charitable
aid as far as may be in their power, to those young men who,
by indigence, are not able to educate themselves for the
ministry, and for other pious and benevolent purposes, and
the better to enable them to carry into effect their charita-
ble purposes, have prayed that trustees of the said society
may be incorporated, with power to receive, hold and dis-
pose of contributions, donations, gifts, grants and devises,
of all kinds of property, estate and effects, to a limited a-
mount, in trust for the purpose aforesaid — Therefore,
Section 1. Be it eduacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Rev'd. Frederick Hoshour, George Bren-
dle, John Wise, John Albert, George Shryock, George J.
Harry, Jacob Kausler, and their successors in office, elected
in the manner hereinafter provided, shall be, and they are
hereby incorporated and made a body politic, by the name
of the Female Domestic Missionary and Education Society
of Hagers-Town, and by that name shall have perpetual
succession, and be capable in law of receiving and holding,
in trust, and of using and disposing of as is hereafter provi-
ded for, all kinds of gifts, grants, conveyances, donations,
and devises of estate, real, personal, and mixed property
General powers
and effects, not exceeding in amount ten thousand dollars;