CHAP. 188.
as he could or might bave done within the time limited by
Must deliver ac-
count under oath.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Richard Igle-
hart shall, before he proceeds to execute the body or pro-
perty of any person by the authority of this act, deliver,
or cause to be delivered, to the person chargeable with the
same, at least thirty days previous to serving or levying ex-
ecution, an account of the sum demanded, with an affidavit
annexed thereto, that no part of the sum demanded has been
received by the said Richard Iglehart, or any other person
for his use, to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Passed Mar.5,1832
Aw act to authorise the Levy Court of Worcester County, to
draw from the Treasury, or any of the Banks of the State,
any amount of money which now is, or may be allotted by
the Treasurer of this State, for the purposes oj education
in Worcester County.
Investment di-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Worcester county, be, and they are here-
by authorised, in their discretion, to draw from the treasury,
or any of the banks of this state, any amount of money
which is now, or may be hereafter allotted by the treasurer,
to the use of Worcester county, for the purposes of edu-
cation, or to dispose of any amount of stock in any of said
banks which is now or may be allotted to said county, by
the said treasurer, and in their discretion are authorised to
invest the said sum or sums of money in the United States
bank stock, or the stock of any other profitable institutions,
for the purposes of education in said county.
Passed Mar. 5,1232
An act to fix the compensation of Judges and Clerks of
Elections, in and for Worcester County.
Competition fix-
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
judges and clerks of elections respectively, in and for Wor-
cester county, shall perform the duties required bylaw now
in force, and shall be allowed and entitled to receive for
each election, at which he shall attend, and for making the