sioners authorized to lay out streets in the city of Balti-
more, has never been opened, and the owners of the ground
over which the said part of a street, if opened, would pass,
are stated to be anxious .that the same should remain closed,
and that they may be authorized to use and improve the
grounds over which it has been located.
CHAP. 182.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
on the application, in writing, of the owners of all the ground
between German street and Pratt street, over which Emory
street has been laid out and would pass if opened agreably
to the map made under the direction of the commissioners
appointed to lay out streets in the city of Baltimore, the
mayor and city council of Baltimore shall be, and they are
hereby authorized to pass an ordinance, declaring the said
part of a street to be forever closed and shut up; and the said
owners of the ground over which the said part of a street
was laid out, shall thereupon severally be entitled to use
and improve their respective portions of the said ground in
the same manner to all intents and purposes as if no street
had ever been located on the same.
Authority granted
to close.
An act to authorise the Methodist Episcopal Church of Se-
vern Circuit, to sell the Parsonage property of the said
Passed Mar. 5,1832
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly
by the Methodist Episcopal Church, of the Severn Circuit,
that they purchased a house and lot in the city of Annapo-
lis, from a certain Walter Cross, for the use of the said
church, as a parsonage, who conveyed the same in trust for
that purpose to a certain Henry Hammond, Robert Welch,
Abner Linthicum and Stephen Beard; And whereas, it is
also represented that the said Henry Hammond and Robert
Welch, are both dead, and the said Abner Linthecum, is no
longer a member of the said church, and that the said house
and lot do not answer the purposes for which they were
intended, and that it would be advisable to sell and dispose
of the same, in order to enable the said church to build or
purchase in some more convenient situation—Therefore,
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Quarterly Conference of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, for the Severn Circuit, be and they are hereby
authorised and empowered to sell and dispose of the house
Authority to sell