CHAP. 183.
and lot in the city of Annapolis, now used by them as a par-
sonage house, which was conveyed by' Walter Cross, to
the trustees aforesaid; and upon making the said sale, to re-
quire and direct the said Stephen Beard, lo convey the
same to the purchaser thereof.
To convey— deed
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Stephen Beard,
be and he is hereby authorised and directed, at the request
of the Quarterly Conference aforesaid, to convey to the
purchaser, the said house and lot, and the said purchaser
shall be entitled to hold the said house and lot, free, clear
and discharged from any claim of the said church or of
any person, claiming under the said trustees or either of
Passed Mar.5, 1832
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to establish a Tobacco
Inspection, in the city of Annapolis, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly, by the petition of Richard I. Jones, and others,
who are stockholders in a tobacco inspection warehouse,
in the city of Annapolis, which was established by an act
of incorporation, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-nine, that the said inspection has not
answered their expectations, and that there is room in the
said warehouse for the storage of other goods, or to be
converted into a manufactory of some kind or other, after
the storage of all the tobacco which is brought to the said
warehouse, and praying that a supplement may be passed,
authorising and empowering them to appropriate the same
to such purposes — Therefore,
Authority to use as
a warehouse.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
president, directors and company, of the Annapolis To-
bacco Inspection, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered to use, occupy and appropriate the said ware-
house, or any part thereof, to the storage of any goods,
wares or merchandise, and receive a reasonable storage or
compensation therefor.
As a manufactory
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this act, the said president, directors and com-
pany, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
if they shall think it expedient so to do, to convert the said