CHAP. 181.
Authority granted
tue of this aet, for the district in which the said lands may
lie, empowering them or a majority of them, to mark and
bound the lands aforesaid mentioned in the said commis-
sion, according to the directions of the act to which this is
a supplement.
Commissioners to
be appointed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the governor and coun-
cil, be, and they are hereby authorised and required to ap-
point and commission, on or before the first day of April
next, and annually thereafter, three discreet and sensible
men in each election district of Saint Mary's county afore-
said, to act as commissioners in the district in which they are
appointed in every case in which they may be called upon, in
and by virtue of this law, who shall, before they proceed
Oath required.
to act, qualify as such before some justice of the peace, and
which said commission, with the qualification of said com-
missioners endorsed thereon, shall be returned to the clerk
of Saint Mary's county, who is hereby required to have
Oath required.
the same recorded in the commissioners record book, and the
said commissioners shall in every other respect conform
themselves in the execution of every commission directed
to them, in the same manner as the commissioners appointed
under the law aforesaid, to which this is a supplement, are
Proceedings di-
authorised and required, and the same proceedings thereon
to be had, on the return of the commission as are directed
by the act aforesaid, to which this is a further supplement.
When commis-
sioners is interest-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in case any one or more
of the said commissioners appointed in virtue of this law, be
related to any or either of the parties interested in any land
or lands, or adjoining lands on which a commission to mark
and bound is about to be prayed, the county court shall,
and may issue a commission to other commissioner, or com-
missioners, in the room of said commissioner or commis-
sioners interested or related as aforesaid.
Sec. 4, And be it enacted, That the commissioners ap-
pointed by virtue of this law, shall receive as a compensa-
tion for his, or their services, the sum of two dollars for
every day, he, or they may act as such, to be paid by the
petitioner or persons interested.
Passed, Mar. 5,1832
An act to authorize the occlusion of part of Emory Street, in
the City of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, that part of Emory street which lies between
German stieet and Pratt street, as laid out by the commit