CHAP. 180.
A supplement to the act, entitled; An act for the widening of
Orange alley, in the city of Baltimore.
Passed Mar. 5,1832
Be it enacted by the Generald Assembly of Maryland,
That the time limited in the sixth section, or any other sec-
tion of the original act to which this is a supplement, for
the execution of its provisions, be and the same is hereby
extended to the first day of May, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three, any thing contained in the act, to which this is
a supplement, to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided
nevertheless, That no alteration shall be made in the breadth
of said alley, until the consent of the owners of a majority
of feet on each side of it, be first had and obtained.
Time extended.
A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act for Marking
and Sounding Land, passed at November session, seven-
teen hundred and eighty six, as relates to Saint Mary's
Passed Feb.,25 1832
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That any person or persons seized of land lying
and being in Saint Mary's county, under courses and dis-
tances only, as to any lines thereof, whether courses and
distances only are mentioned in the grant or deed, under
which said land is held, or by the loss of boundries called
for, the person or persons seized, is confined to course and
distance, or seized of the reversion, or remained, or an
Case specified.
estate for life or lives therein, having given twenty days no-
tice by advertisement, set up at the door of the court house
of Saint Mary's county, and by such advertisement set up
at the most public places in the election districts in which
the land or lands lie, of his, her, or their intention to apply
Notice required.
to the county court for a commission to mark and bound
said land or lands, named or otherwise described in such
advertisement, may apply by petition in writing to the
county court of Saint Mary's county, for a commission to
mark and bound such land or lands, agreeably to the direc-
tions of the act to which this is a supplement; and upon
proof being made to the satisfaction of the court, that such
advertisements were duly set up, the court may issue com-
missions to such commissioners as may be appointed by vir-
Petition for com-
mission to mark
and bound.