CHAP. 178-
Sec. 5. And be if enacted, That a copy of the entry of
any voucher or evidence of the payment, of any sum of
Copy of entry of
vouchers &c made
money, or for any article or other thing, which hath been
filed, entered and allowed, in any account of a guardian in
the Register of Wills office, in the county afofesaid, shall
be admitted as prima facie evidence, to prove such voucher
or evidence of the payment of any sum of money, or for
any article or other thing, for his, her or their ward; Pro-
vided, the same be duly attested, and certified as aforesaid.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Register of Wills
for Saint Mary's county, shall be entitled to receive for any
services he mays perform under the provisions of this act,
the same fees as he is entitled to by law for similar services.
Passed Mar. 5,1832
An act relating to Cypress alley, in the city of Baltimore.
Ally declared
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Zand, That the alley extending from Lombard street, south to
Pratt street, between Hanover street and Sharp street, in the
city of Baltimore, known by the name of Cypress alley,be and
the same is hereby declared to be a public alley and high-
way, to be regulated, repaired and improved in the same
manner as the streets and other public ways of the said
city, under the direction of the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, who are hereby authorised to provide tor ascer-
taining and fixing the bounds of the said alley of the greatest
width, which has been or may be assented to by the owners
of property binding on each side of the said alley, and
necessary for the public convenience, and for causing a plat
or other proper description of such bounds when ascer-
tained and fixed, to be made and filed in the office of the
register of said city, which plat, or copy thereof, certified
under the corporate seal of the said city, shall be evidence
of the bounds and location of said alley.
Ratification re-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That this act shall be null and
void, unless approved of by the mayor and city council of