WHEREAS, it is represented in the petition of Sarah
Fonstn, of Frederick county, Maryland, widow of John
Fonstn, late of said county, that her said husband died in
the year eighteen hundred and thirty one, seized and pos-
sessed of several tracts of land in Frederick county, and
it is further represented in said petition, that the said John
Fonstn, died intestate, without heirs of the whole or half
blood. In consequence whereof, the said tracts of land,
containing in the aggregate, one hundred and forty-eight
acres, one rood, and twenty perches, is supposed by some to
have become escheated to the state of Maryland; And,
whereas, it is further represented, that an escheat warrant
was granted on the thirteenth day of May, eighteen hundred
and thirty-one, to the said petitioner, and the land so es-
cheated, were duly resurveyed by the surveyor of Frederick
county, and the certificate thereof returned to the land of-
fice, which certificate estimates the value of the lands, de-
ducting one third for discovery, as a balance due to the
state of Maryland, at eleven hundred and eighty seven
dollars. And, whereas, it is further represented, in said
petition, that the said Sarah Fonstn and John Fonstn,
lived many years in a state of matrimony, and that by the
care and economy of the said petitioner, the said John Fon-
stn, was much aided in the acquisition and improvement
of said property, and that it was the intention of the said
John Fonstn, to execute a will, and leave the whole of
his said tracts of land, lying in Frederick county, to the
said Sarah Fonstn, but was prevented by sudden illness