CHAP, 20.
Elijah Melson, and whereas, great inconvenience may re-
sult to sundry persons, unless the acts which have been
done by the said Elijah Melson, as a justice of the peace
for Worcester county are confirmed and made valid —
Acts made valid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all acts a ad proceedings which have been done by the
said Elijah Melson, as a justice of the peace for Worcester
county, shall be as valid, and have the same effect and ope-
ration in law, as if the said Elijah Melson had been proper-
ly identified, commissioned and qualified, as a justice of
the peace of the state of Maryland, in and for Worcester
county, according to the laws of this state.
Passed Jan. l9, 1832
An act to amend the Charter of the City of Annapolis and
to exempt the property in the said city belonging to the cor-
poration thereof from the payment of county Taxes.
To collect as the
county taxes are.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the passage of this act the col-
lector of taxes in the city of Annapolis shall have power
to collect the taxes due to the said city in the same manner,
that the county collector is authorised to collect the county
taxes, and shall in all respects, be governed and regulated
by the acts of Assembly by which the collector of Anne
Arundel county is regulated and governed.
Sale of real estate
for taxes.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That where any tax shall be
due upon real estate, and no personal property shall be
found thereon liable to the payment thereof the collector
shall make report thereof to the corporation at their month-
ly meeting in December annually, who shall at the said
monthly meeting or as soon thereafter as they may deem
expedient, direct the said real estate to be sold by the col-
lector for payment of the said taxes, after giving notice in
the public newspapers in the same manner that the commis-
sioners of the tax for Anne Arundel county direct to be
given by the collector of the said county.
Corporation pro-
perty exempted.
Sec. S. And be it enacted, That the property in the city
of Annapolis, belonging to the corporation be, and the same
is hereby declared to be exempt and free from any tax to be
levied by Anne Arundel county.
See. 4. And be it enacted, That all such parts of the
amended charter of the city of Annapolis passed on the