of the income as they may deem necessary to provide
against the decay, and tor repairing the said bridge — as of-
ten and at such times as the receipts from tolls will enable
them for the benefit and advantage of the stockholders.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That a majority of the board
of directors, shall at all times constitute a quorum for the
transaction of the business of the Company; and in case of
Majority of direc-
tors a quorum.
the absence of the President, a majority of the board may
appoint a President pro tem pore.
President pro tem
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all such parts of the act
to which this is an additional supplement, as is contrary to
the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed.
Inconsistent acts
An act to make valid and confirm the proceedings of Job Al-
len, as a justice of the peace for Somerset county.
Passed Jan. 14, 1832
WHEREAS, Job Allen of Somerset county was duly ap-
pointed a justice of the peace for Somerset county, and
whereas doubts have arisen, as to the legality of the pro-
ceedings of the said Job Allen, and whereas great inconve-
nience may result to sundry persons unless legislative enact-
ments are made relating to said proceedings — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the acts and proceedings which have been done by Job Al-
len, as a justice of the peace for Somerset county, be, and
the same hereby are made as valid, and to have the same
effect and operation in law, as if the said Job Allen had
been duly qualified as a justice of the peace of the state
of Maryland, in and for Somerset county, according to the
laws of this state.
His proceedings
An act to make valid and confirm the proceedings of Elijah
Melson, as a Justice of the Peace for Worcester county.
Passed Jan. 10, 1832
WHEREAS, Elijah Melson, of Worcester county was
duly commissioned a justice of the peace for Worcester
county, and whereas, there was more than one individual
named Elijah Melson in said county, and as doubts may be
entertained as to the legality of the proceedings of the said