CHAP, 143.
said village, and then and there elect fire commissioners for
the said village, from and among the free white male citi-
zens thereof, qualified to be commissioner according to the
second section of the act hereby revived, and that on the
Annual election.
first Monday of July, after the present year, the free white
male citizens of said village of the age of twerity-one years
and upwards, and who shall have resided therein during the
the six months next preceding each election, at which they
shall claim to vote, may assemble at such house as the five
commissioners of the village, or a majority of them, shall
designate as the town hall, and then and there elect five
commissioners for said village, qualified as aforesaid, to
be so.
Judges of election.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That Eccleston Brown,
Dr. Francis P. Phreps, and Charles Willis, or a majority of
them, shall be judges of the election hereby authorised to
be held on the first Monday in April next, and. shall hold
and conduct said election as prescribed by the third section
of the act hereby revived; and make duplicate returns un-
der their hands and seals, one thereof to the clerk of Dor-
chester county, and one to the clerk of Caroline county, of
the persons elected, and that the sakl returns shall be safely
kept by the clerks of said counties in their offices.
Passed Feb. 29,1832
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act appointing Commis-
sioners for the town of Oxford, in Talbot county.
WHEREAS, by an act passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-five, chapter two hundred and
eleven, Robert Banning, James L. Chamberlaine and John
Wilfis, were appointed commissioners for the town of Ox-
ford, in Talbot county, And whereas it is represented to
this General Assembly, by petition in writing of sundry
citizens of said town, that from the circumstance of two of
the aforesaid commissioners being non-residents of said
town, difficulties do exist which may be avoided by the ap-
pointment of two additional commissioners — Therefore,
Additional com-
missioners named.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland. That William Markland, and Ennalls Martin, junior,
be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for said
town, in addition to those already appointed, with authority
to exercise all the powers, and perform all the duties that
can be exercised or performed by the commissioners ap-
pointed by the act to which this is a supplement.