notice thereof shall have been given by the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That every commissioner, ap-
pointed by, and to be elected in persuance of this act, be-
fore he shall proceed to execute his office, shall take an oath
or affirmation, before some justice of the peace, that he will
diligently and faithfully, according to the best of his judg-
ment, perform the duties of a commissioner of the said vil-
lage, according to the direction of this act, without favour,
partiality or prejudice, and a certificate of such qualification
shall be made and returned by such justice of the peace, to
the said commissioners, to be filed and recorded among their
CHAP. 138.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
or a majority of them, shall meet together at the court house,
or such other public place within the said village, as shall
be previously notified, cm the second Monday of April next,
and on the second Monday of every third month thereafter,
Annual sessions.
and as much oftner, by adjournments, as they shall judge to
be necessary; and, when so assembled, they or a majority
of them shall proceed to execute the several powers and
authorities vested in them by this act, from time to time, as
occasion shall require.
Occasional sessions
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall be, and they are hereby authorised, empowered, and
required, to meet as aforesaid; and from time to time to re-
commend such by-laws, plans, and regulations, as they shall
judge necessary for the good government of said village,
and the inhabitants thereof, and for the removal of all nui-
sances which do now or hereafter may exist or be erected
in said village; for the prevention of geese and swine go-
ing at large in the said village; and recommend such plans
and regulations as will advance the health, convenience, and
cleanliness, of the inhabitants thereof, and to adopt the same;
Meet nnd propose
(Provided, a majority of the persons entitled to vote for com-
missioners, at a meeting to be called, shall agree thereto,)
Subject to rote of
to cause to be removed all nuisances and obstructions that
may interrupt the passage of the said inhabitants, or others
in the streets, lanes, and alleys of the said village; to
cause the principal or other streets to be opened, extended,
repaired and improved, whenever a majority of the said in-
habitants shall reasonably require the same to be done; to
General powers
cause the inhabitants, and others, entitled to vote for com-
missioners according to this act, to be and continue regis
tered, and to make such alterations in the register thereof,
from time to time, as the increasing or decreasing number
Register vote.
of inhabitants, or other changing circumstances, shall render
necessary; to appoint and qualify a clerk, whose duty it
Appoint clerk.