CHAP. 138.
Election of suc-
missioners of the third class, at the expiration of three
years, and the vacancy thus successively occasioned by the
determination of their respective offices, shall be supplied
by an election, to be made at the court house in the said
village, or at such other public place within the said village
as the commissioners shall appoint, on the second Monday
Qualification of
of April in every year, of three judicious and discreet per-
sons, residing in the said village, or within five miles there-
of, and possessed of landed property within the said village,
in his own right, or in right of his wife, of the value of
Qualification of
one hundred dollars; and every free white male inhabitant
of the said village, above the age of twenty one years, and
having resided within the limits of the said village for the
space of six months next preceding the election, and twelve
months in this state, shall have a right to vote in the election
of the said commissioners; and the persons so elected shall
Term of office.
remain in office for the term of three years, and the suc-
cession of the said commissioners to be so continued that
three commissioners shall be elected annually.
Judges of election.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of the
said village, or the major part of them, shall be judges of
such election, and the proceedings thereof shall be recorded
under their direction, and every commissioner, before he
shall proceed to open an election, shall take an oath or affir-
mation, to be administered by some justice of the peace,
Oath required.
that he will faithfully and impartially permit every person
to vote at their election, who shall be qualified to vote for a
commissioner of the said village, according to the direc-
tions of this act, and that he will not suffer any person to
vote at such election, who shall not, in his judgment, be
qualified to vote as aforesaid.
Vacancy of com-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if any vacancy shall hap-
pen in the office of one or more of the commissioners, by
death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, it shall be lawful
for the remaining commissioners, and they are hereby re-
quired, to cause an election to be made, at such public place
as they shall appoint, within the said village, by the inhabi-
tants thereof, and others qualified to vote as aforesaid, of
one or more judicious and discreet persons, resident, and
qualified as a for said, to supply such vacancy during the
remainder of the term; and the time of holding such inter-
vening election shall be previously notified for the space of
ten days preceeding the election.
Case of neglect to
hold elections
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if, at any time, an elec-
tion shall not be had at the times prescribed and directed
by the preceding sections of this act, that an election, in
such case shall or may be made at any time after ten days